Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Search

This first day in Oslo went pretty smooth. I was basically just in the hostel - apart from two short rips to the next super market - talking to people and looking for flats on the internet.

It was really refreshing to talk to new people again and get to know their stories and stuff. It is just so nice in hostels, although I have to say, that this hostel is quiet impersonal because of its size.

Anyways, I didnt come any further with my flat search, I don't know where I am going to live in the next months. However, I now also considered students apartments again. I think actually, that this would be a cheap alternative, however, I dont know exactly if I am entitled to apply on such a room, since I am not studying in Oslo. In any case, I wrote an e-mail to the office and have now to wait until Monday to get a response. Until the I'll be going on searching on the normal housing market.

This evening we were sitting in our room cooking with some people. Since this hostel is so big there is no real common kitchen, every room has it's own cooking area, which is nice in a way. On the other hand it's harder to get to know more people.

Anyways, I will now go up there again to spend the evening with them.


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