The day actually started off pretty fine. I woke up up fresh and had a lot of energy! Also the first couple of hours at work were ok, I got some stuff done and T. showed me something new. I was happy to be occupied and have things to do. Although it was not the product development, I wrote about yesterday, I had fun.
However, it was weird. I did not really get into the flow, I wasn't organized at all and I had the feeling of messing up things all the time. I really didn't find my work rhythm the whole day. The first half of the day went super quick and the second part after lunch was stretching and stretching and didn't wanted to end!
I got more and more tired and actually also made a mistake, nothing really severe, but I had the feeling T. wasn't amused about it. Anyways, then T. left, the first time since I am here earlier than usual.
And, of course, then it happened; I was just about to start my last things, that had to be done before the end of the day, when suddenly the phone rang. On the other side there was a slow speaking man and he said:
"I think we are in big trouble!"
"Ok", I answered "Why that?"
He said in the same slow voice: "Yeah, we are in Ålesund right now and somehow forgot to leave..."
"What do you mean with leave?" I asked.
"Yeah, we were actually supposed to go today to Florø and take tomorrow the Hurtigruten to Bergen, but we somehow forgot that! Is there a possibility to take the Hurtigruten already from here?!"
Then I realized, that there was a huge problem coming up and asked him first for his name and his booking number to get a picture of the tour and the problem they had. So, long story short, they somehow did not leave Ålesund and the hotel today and missed a couple of busses, ferries and trains. They realized, when the hotel asked them, when they would check-out, but then it was already too late. Now they wanted to book through us the boat they were anyways supposed to take tomorrow, but instead of Florø, they wanted to embark already in Ålesund.
What followed were about 2 hours of telephone calls with my boss, with the client and with Hurtigruten. It was pretty complicated and too much to write here now into detail without making it too boring. It was hard, it was stressing me, but somehow I managed with T's support over the phone and really nice people at Hurtigruten to get them booked onto the boat which is leaving tonight around 12 o'clock.
After that I just finished my work, which I actually wanted to do in the last minutes of the shift and left the office as the last one about 2,5 hours after the end of the shift. It was somehow nice, I managed to solve this situation as good as possible and am happy about the result!
On my way home I passed by the shop and bought some deep-frozen vegetables and made then some Chinese food, which tasted really really good. I made so much, that I left half of it for tomorrow evening!
No I am going to hang up my laundry, since I want to pack some of the clothes tomorrow!
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