Today I woke up late after a good night with an interruption. My flatmates and a friend of them came home around 4.30 and were sitting still together, listening to loud music and were singing and trying to talk over the music.
At 5 o'clock I got up to tell them to turn down the music a bit. I mean, it's weekend, but still! I even got my earplugs to sleep properly and this says a lot. These two guys are anyways pretty ruthless, always having loud music until late in the night or the TV on 110% volume, even if they are not home. The often leave all the electronic devices and lights on, when they leave the flat.
Of course I might be also loud, if I go out and come back in the middle of the night being drunk, but I at least try to be considerate. Yesterday I did not go out, I watched a DVD at home and went to bed around half past one in the night. Anyways, eventually they also went to bed and I luckily fell asleep again!
The morning, when I woke up the weather was not good. It was pouring and I thought I would have to stay inside the whole day. I then had nice breakfast, with fresh buns, coffee and orange juice. I was talking to A. and was doing my laundry.
Around 14 o'clock the rain stopped and half an hour later the sun actually come out. I decided to go out to enjoy the good weather and to have a walk through the city. I wanted to go into some shops I am always passing, but never went in yet. So I made my way down to Oslo City a big shopping center close to the railway station. Then I went to Oslo S., which is the railway station, but has also a lot of shops.

I was strolling around the city and was also going to the Italian Food Market, which is this weekend. It is in Domkirkeparken, the park next to the cathedral. It was, as I expected it, very small and there was not so much to see. Also the stands seemed pretty empty and small. It was a bit weird! However, the park and the close by cafe were really nice and I had to take some pictures.

In the shop I was gathering everything I needed and went to the cashier. When I wanted to pay with my new Norwegian bank card it was not accepted, because the account is still empty. I did apparently not get my salary, yet. I wanted to pay then with my German card, but it wasn't accepted neither. The something happened, what I hadn't expected; they guy at the cashier, apparently the owner of the shop said:
"Hey, no problem! Just take the food and when you come along here next time just give me the money then!"
I was speechless and wanted to give him already my detail, my name, my address and everything, but he said:
"No, just take it..." and then went on in perfect German: "Ich vertraue dir!" ("I trust you!")
I left with my stuff and the best feeling I have had in a long time. I am still so amazed about this trust, about this generosity of this man. I will for sure go there on Monday after work and will bring him the money. I will for sure not only give him the amount I owe him, but actually a bit more! This is one of my best experiences here in Norway by far!
Well, I then walked happily back home and shortly before I was home it started pouring again. I was running home in the rain and when I got back I was soaked. I changed my clothes and started cooking. As I said, I made lasagne and it tasted really good.

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