This was a really nice Friday! At work everything was fine, I had a good day! All things I had to do are done, I don't have any confirmations of any suppliers still pending, I didn't leave anything for Monday and for the first time I didn't have any files still lying on my desk, when I left for the weekend! It was a great feeling!
The day was anyways nice. The atmosphere in the office was good, it was weird, it was funny and sometimes even weirdly funny! I got a lot of additional stuff done and it was just a good day!
For lunch we had burger, which was really funny, because M., the girl who had kitchen duty today, first brought Boller, sweet cinnamon buns, instead of burger buns from the shop. It was hilarious in that situation somehow. Anyways, C. another trainee then quickly went to the shop to get the other buns still.
After work I went with L., one German colleague, for an after-work-beer to Cafe Skansen. It's funny, because L. actually graduated from the same university I am studying right now at. It's pretty random, since my university is pretty young and the first graduates left the university in 2004! So now in Oslo, of all places in the world, I am meeting somebody from my university.
I am now going to eat something, since I just got home from work basically and will then watch a movie or something!
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