I just came back from work! I had to work longer again today! The reason is simple. It's Friday! Fridays, we have to finish all bookings and have to confirm them before the weekend! That means, that we have to have all confirmations of all suppliers in the afternoon!
This morning I was not working; I went to the police and tax office to register myself here in Norway. I came there about 9.15 and the first shock was, that I had to queue for 10 minutes to get a queuing number! Then I thought: "Well, I have number 40, the paper states that there are 35 people before me, this wont take long!" Little did I know, I was waiting there nearly 4 hours until it was my turn. If I would have known that I would have gone to work!
Anyways, when I finally was done I went to the office, was doing quickly the most urgent things and had lunch! I didn't eat since 8 o'clock and realized, how bad I was able to concentrate. Before making major mistakes I decided to eat something quickly. However, I had lost 4 1/2 hours of my working day, more than 50% on the day, where basically nothing can be postponed "until tomorrow"! So I was working quickly and tried to do everything on time, but I wasn't able to.
I stayed one hour longer and then, on the way home, totally felt like a after work beer! So I went to a bar with a nice terrace, was sitting there, drinking and was reading the book that I had acquired lately! It was really nice somehow, although some people were looking weirdly at me, since I was the only one sitting there all by myself.