Friday, September 24, 2010

Autumnal Equinox!

I went to the Autumnal Equinox, the autumn festival thing along Akerselva! I went to the top, where a dam is by bus and walked down! It was like the word equinox half good and half bad; later more about that!As I said, I went up the river by bus. I actually had intended to meet some random people, from the couch-surfing network, but the busses were so full and I could not get onto the first one and the second one was super slow. It was one of the a**h***-bus drivers who is annoyed at so many people and although the bus is super full is putting the heating on maximum, that everybody is nice and sweaty afterwards.Anyways, when I arrived at the meeting point I didn't even look for the people, since they had been gone already for more that half an hour. I knew that there were also people from my office going there, but since, literally, thousands of people were walking along the Akerselva, it would have been impossible to find them.So I walked alone, which was nice somehow; I could take as much time at every station as I wanted and take as many pictures as I wanted! I could try a lot of settings and could play around with the camera!I was taking all pictures without flash, which meant, that I had to stand extremely still or use my tripod! This was the first time I really needed it! It was good to have and I am happy with it.

I walked along the river and over the path, which was lid my torches and took a lot of pictures. When I came down to the first of many waterfalls I wanted to use my tripod's special function; it is soft and had a modules, so you can put it onto a rail or something.I did that before and wanted to do it also today again. Somehow I have to have been too eager or something; suddenly it made "plop" and from one of the legs of the tripod the last two modules come off. The problem was, that this was at a rail... the part I "plopped"-off fell down and is now lying below a waterfall on a rock. I know where it is, but it was dark and I didn't know if I should or could go down there! I will go tomorrow there again and see in daylight what I can do!I was super mad and close to just going home, but I calmed down and went on on the path. I am happy, that I didn't go home, since I passed so many nice things on the way!In the beginning, I walked slow, stopped at everything and anything, but the longer it went, the fewer I stopped! There were everywhere bands playing, choirs singing or artists showing whatever they were good at! It was a long long way to walk and it took me over three hours to come back home!Especially in the end, when it started raining... well pouring, I went fast! I tried to keep my camera dry and just got it out if I saw something special. I was far away from home still, but I didn't know how far! I was soaked, I didn't know where I was, the only landmark I had was the river!I was walking and walking and didn't recognize a thing! Just about the time, when the water started coming into my shoes from above I saw a building I knew! I knew I wasnt far anymore. The problem was, that I didn't wanted to leave the path, because it was so nice; but the last part was the tightest and the people moved slowly. I passed a couple of people by crossing a bridge, walking on the less crowded side of the river and then turning back onto the crowded side!Anyways, I made it home, dried myself and changed! It was really nice, I am happy that I did it! As I said, it was half nice half not so nice! The first half was good weather, then it started raining; I lost the foot of my tripod, but I took a lot of nice pictures; I was lost, but I am safely home! All in all I have to say it was super nice!


PS: All pictures are taken without flash, with long exposure times and high ISO!

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