Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bringing Things in Order!

I was very German today: I brought order into things - well at least I was trying!

The day started normal, I fixed some daily stuff at work and was then working on the new website again. It is more and more fun, since I start seeing the improvements. In the beginning you dont really wanna start, because there is such a huge pile of work in front of you. The more you work the more you start seeing the progress and the more you start seeing the value of your work!

Anyways, during my lunch break I was fixing something for university. I had to get my courses from my year abroad acknowledged by my university in Germany and had to fill out some forms for it. I already got the paper, where all courses were listed, which were accepted by and transferred to my uni. However, I was not quite happy with it, because of 23 courses I had in Helsinki only 9 were acknowledged - that's about 39%.
So I looked up the course descriptions of both universities and was comparing them. Then I wrote a long e-mail with my explanation, why I want to have them acknowledged and basically now my university would have to come up with pretty good arguments, why they would not be accepted. If everything goes, how I would like it to go I will have only one course when returning to my home university.

The afternoon went slowly and I was working on some few things that T. had given me. But since I was quite tired I called it a day very punctual.

When I got home I quickly passed by the shop and bought some food. I was sitting around, was watching some podcasts online, reading some news and stumbling through the web. Then I had some dinner and now I just cleaned up my mess. Two days ago in some kind of panic I took a lot of things out of my shelve and threw them on the floor. I was looking for my calender and couldn't find it. When I finally had it, I was too happy to clean up my room again.

So, all the things were on the floor, my laundry was also hanging in my room for some time and so I decided to bring order to my room. Now everything is nice again, I am going to fold my clothes now, while enjoying a freezing cold beer. I just felt like it today!


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