Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cinema and Chilling!

I just got up and had breakfast! I was talking to A. and now I am writing with S., my flatmate from Helsinki, who I haven't been talking to for a way too long time! I slept until 12 o'clock today and woke up with quite a headache, which is weird, because I drank just 3 x 0.33l beer in maybe 4 hours (?!) yesterday evening.

The evening was really nice and it got late again - unplanned as always. After work L. and I went straight to the cinema to meet up with J. We got our tickets and went to Burger King for dinner. It was actually quite nice. It sound so bad, but actually it's nice to eat junk food every now and then! We were sitting there and talking and just had a good time.

Then we went back to the cinema to see the movie. It was some girly movie about long distance relation ships. The weird thing is, that we - all three of us - are in this situation and it was amazing how much you know all the situations in the movie and how much you can actually identify with the characters. Although I wouldn't say, that I identify myself with the characters, but I know the situations shown in the movie well enough!
Anyways, it was not a extremely good movie, but nice and superficial entertainment, like most Hollywood movies. After the movie we decided to go to L's place, which is close by, and have some drinks. We were sitting in her room, having beer & wine and talking and laughing a lot about everything and anything! We stayed long; the movie was so early, that we were at L's place at around 8 p.m. and we left at 2 a.m. The time however flew past and none of us realized how late it was suddenly!

J. & I walked home through the city and we were both amazed how cold it got. Yesterday during the day the temperatures fell and now it's freezing outside. My flatmates are both gone and both had the window open the whole day yesterday and also during the night! This morning it was as cold inside as it is outside! I have the heater running on full power, but its just not getting warm and cozy!

I reckon I will have a nice and warm shower now and then go out to enjoy the last hours of sunshine, before it gets dark again!


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