Monday, April 5, 2010


Today we had a barbecue here in Kannelmäki. Even tho there is still a lot of snow we met with about 30 people in the park between the houses and grilled some stuff. It was basically just a nice get-together with the other ERASMUS students and I really enjoyed talking to people.

Now I just got back from the city. I went with A. to grab a burger and buy some bread. Then we walked back from the central station to Pasila and took the train from there. It was a nice walk at a nice spring-like evening. The temperatures were still mild (for Helsinki) and the birds were singing.

This was a really good Easter Monday. I am actually now supposed to read some stuff for the group meeting tomorrow, but actually I dont feel like it. Will do it tomorrow shortly before the meeting! Like always, shortly before deadline!


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