Today we received an envelope with a beautiful Christmas card from Finland. A's friend K. thought of us and wished us Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012, how nice! Furthermore our landlord knocked on our door and brought us a bottle of wine. And another neighbor, who locked herself out and whom we then lent the phone and some winter boots (so she could go over to a friend), left something at our door as a thank-you!
Anyways, before A. and I went to the other side of the city to look at a sofa and we decided to take it; that's our Christmas present to ourselves Now the problem is to get it to our place. We don't have a car nor one available for things like that. We are at the moment checking different offers to rent a car or transport services. We'll see how we will solve that, I will keep you posted!
One more thing I forgot to mention: Yesterday I signed up for a Swedish course, which will start in January. A. and I are nearly three years together and I still do not speak Swedish, which is - for me personally - quite disrespectful. Every time I am with her family everybody has to speak English just for me and I think it would be better if just one person - me - has to adapt, not twenty people.
So that's it for now. Today was really a nice and eventful day. I am happy and hope this will keep for some time. On the weekend I want to go home to Aachen, but I didn't get any Mitfahrgelegenheit, yet. Will figure that out as well tomorrow!
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