This day is dominated by tiredness! I woke up, totally scared by the alarm, and just wanted to stay in bed! It was somehow today extremely hard to get out of bed. I eventually made it and went to work.
There everybody was tired as well. Weirdly we all seemed to have one of these tiredness days. Everybody was doing his or her thing and there was not much talking.
I was working on requests and was contacting suppliers for different things. However, my main focus today was on finishing my second tour, which is basically the same as my first one. Just a bit longer and more expensive.
I was doing all the calculations of the prices for the different pricing periods and was afterwards entering everything into the data base and connected it to the website. It is not so much hard work, but there are a lot of details, which you have to consider and things you have to take into account. You have to concentrate to not make mistakes, since they would affect directly the price and the company could end up losing money!
I did everything and now the second tour I created is on our website and bookable. My first tour was re-named and is now available as Norway Winter Adventure and the new tour is now The Grand Winter Tour of Norway.
After work I went to the ATM to cash-out my rent, since I am still waiting for my Netbank log-in and so on to come and then went home. I put the laundry in and got a little bit of a handyman. A couple of days ago S., one of my flat mates, broke the drying thing we have here in the flat. Since then it was just standing unusable in the corner. Now I saw, that two of the many wholes in my four walls have approximately the same width as this drying thing.
So I took some screw anchors, put them into the wholes and put hooks into the anchors. Now the thing is hanging on my wall to put the clothes there to dry, when they are washed. Since this thing is on a rope to let it down, when you want to put the clothes on or take them off, I also had to put a third hook, where I could fix the end of the rope. Luckily there was one more whole exactly where I needed it! Weird somehow!
Anyways, I am now sitting here, will wait until the washing machine is done and will put the clothes up. Until then I will enjoy my tea and the view out of my window to the fabulous blue sky!
There everybody was tired as well. Weirdly we all seemed to have one of these tiredness days. Everybody was doing his or her thing and there was not much talking.
I was working on requests and was contacting suppliers for different things. However, my main focus today was on finishing my second tour, which is basically the same as my first one. Just a bit longer and more expensive.
I did everything and now the second tour I created is on our website and bookable. My first tour was re-named and is now available as Norway Winter Adventure and the new tour is now The Grand Winter Tour of Norway.
After work I went to the ATM to cash-out my rent, since I am still waiting for my Netbank log-in and so on to come and then went home. I put the laundry in and got a little bit of a handyman. A couple of days ago S., one of my flat mates, broke the drying thing we have here in the flat. Since then it was just standing unusable in the corner. Now I saw, that two of the many wholes in my four walls have approximately the same width as this drying thing.
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