Wow, this was amazing! I am back from the Sea Battle, a party cruise between Tallinn and Stockholm. And as I said, it was amazing! So much fun, so many people, so much alcohol!
We started off on Sunday afternoon, when we left Helsinki with a ferry, since we had to catch the Baltic Queen in Tallinn. Already on the first boat, the Super Star, we met a lot of students from all over Finland. Together we were plundering the Tax Free shop for cheap alcohol and were starting to play drinking games.

Since the rules were not clear and the trip just took two hours we didn't get far with the game. We were changing the boat in Tallinn and were obtaining our cabins.

I was supposed to stay with three French guys in a cabin, but then I was asked to change the cabin. Since one French guy had some kind of childish argument with a girl he wasn't so happy about staying in the same cabin with her and asked me to change. So instead of three French guys I had three French girls as cabin mates... not too bad, if you ask me ;-)
The afternoon and early evening went on with drinking games and cabin parties. Then we went to the all-you-can-eat-and-drink buffet, which was included in the ticket price. It was a lot of fun and a lot of good food was served.

And since the alcoholic beverages were also included we went on drinking, of course! And well, this is basically the last thing I remember. I don't really know what happened next, but it doesn’t matter, I think. I was told that I, that we all together had a lot of fun!!!
The next thing I remember, however, is that I was waking up in my bed, with no sense of time, whatsoever, and with all my clothes and even my shoes on. Since, I didn't know what time it was (my cell phone died the night before, since the battery was empty) and didn't wanted to wake up my cabin mates, I left the cabin and was wandering around the ship. I at some point found a clock, but it took me like three attempts to read it. Anyways, I went to the reception of the boat to charge my phone. I left my phone there and went to the Cafeteria to get some coffee and food.
Then we arrived in Stockholm and since I didn't know anything about the plan of the others, so, if they wanted to go to Stockholm or if they wanted to stay aboard, and especially, because I met our nice tutors in the corridor, I decided to go with them. We all three were so hungover, that we looked for a restaurant right away. We were so hungry, that we didn't realize that it was just 11 o'clock in the morning. Anyways, we found a nice place with a nice terrace. It was so lovely, that we were sitting there for nearly two hours, eating our salad and pizza and just enjoying the good weather.

Then the one tutor, J. wanted to go shopping, but S., the other tutor, and I decided to stay outside. I called M., one Italian guy, I was hanging out with to meet him. He was around with J., an Austrian girl and I., a Hungarian girl, so we went to meet up.

We were walking around the city, having fun, feeding birds and just doing stupid hangover stuff until we went back to the boat.

When we came back we all went to get some hours of sleep, since the program was anyways about to start rather late. So I went to bed for like three hours, had a shower and was then ready to party. It was my aim to not pass out (yes, I didn’t go to sleep, I passed out!) before 1 a.m. like I did the night before. I didn’t wanted to pass out at all, I wanted to remember the evening, so I started slowly with the drinking and refused all invitations (and they were numerous) to join drinking games, since this was the main problem the night before.

We went from SpeedDating

Folke Westside and later to
Highride, the two Bands that were playing on the Sea Battle and then to the clubs.

In the beginning of the evening the security had to close Ibiza, one of the clubs because it was too full. So we went back to the Starlight Palace, which was bigger and therefore not so crowded.
The night went on, we were dancing and having fun and suddenly we realized that it got light already.

So we went downstairs to get our jackets to see the sunrise from the deck. We went up onto the Helipad and onto the bridge of the boat (actually a restricted area,

but who cares, we were "intoxicated" anyways).

We took some pictures, but went in quickly, since it was so windy and chilly. The club closed at around 8 o’clock in the morning and we decided not to go to sleep for the last two hours on the boat. So we wandered around and got some food.
When we were arriving in Tallinn I went immediately to sleep on one of the benches in the Terminal. I nearly slept three hours straight, just interrupted by people asking me if they could leave their luggage with me or telling me where they were going. Actually I don’t know why they did that, since I was anyways not observing the suitcases and couldn’t tell anybody, where to look for the people, they were searching for.

Anyways, after the boarding I found a nice place to sleep aboard. It was in the front of the ship under a skewed Window, where the sun was shining on. Since I was freezing it was the perfect place to sleep, nice and warm. The area was crowded and one of the passengers was playing some “evergreens” on the guitar and singing to it. Perfect setting to relax.
After a while I got up, searched for the others and went with J., I. and M. to the Tax Free Shop to get something to drink and to buy chocolate. When we arrived in Helsinki I was almost fresh again and was happy to hear that we had a private taxi back to Kannelmäki. A., one guy from.. uh, I actually don’t know where he is from.. anyways.. he came with the car to the Terminal and offered to bring us home.

It was really nice of him, since walking after these three days would have been hell.
I really have to say, I had an awesome time on the boats and in Stockholm. I met so many new and fun people. I really enjoyed it. Thanks to all you people, who were there! Thanks for all the funny and crazy stuff we did!