Today I was stumbling around the internet and found a
website with really interesting
tilt shift videos. Lately also T-Mobile was doing
adverts with this technique and I found them pretty amazing, but I didn't know what the technique was called. Now that I knew I was searching a little bit on the internet and found some tutorials, how to edit static pictures in order to get this effect. This by the way is then called
Miniature faking. Here are my first attempts:

I think they are ok for the first time. The problem really is, that you have to have the right distance and height for these pictures. I was trying pictures, which were taken from airplanes in like some few hundred meters, but it didn't really work. Other pictures from rooftops were too close to the ground. It's complicated!
Anyways, this was basically what I did this afternoon. In the morning I were in uni, had a presentation and printed out my text for my Swedish presentation. Otherwise there is not a lot to tell. I am so far fine, looking forward to my parents visiting me and looking forward to summer.
I still didn't get any responses from the hotels I was sending applications to, but at least I am not the only one struggling to get a placement. I mean, it's not nice, neither for me, nor for the others, but at least I know that it is not me, but the hotel industry, that is making it complicated!
Now I will go on doing something, but I am not quite sure what it will be!
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