Monday, August 22, 2011

New Post!

It was brought to my attention that apparently I am not writing enough here and should start posting more often again about my life. I know that I haven't been that active in writing lately, which is mostly due to my current life situation.

As you might know I am writing - or rather supposed to write - my thesis at the moment. I am almost done or to put it better: I am supposed to hand it in soon. In the next 2-3 weeks I will have to put in some work and I know that I will work through some nights to get it finished - as always. 

I am good though! I had an awesome and super relaxing weekend with A. here in Hamburg. We have been out most of the time to enjoy the last days of the late summer. Finally we have temperatures over 20°C again and sunshine. 
The last two weekends were super nice. The one weekend M., a friend of A., was here to visit us. A. & M. met in Stockholm, while A. was working there and hadn't seen each other ever since. We were spending the days together and went to Landungsbrücken to see the Queen Mary II leaving the harbor of Hamburg. She was here the last time this year and... wow I have to say, she is quite impressive. Such a big ship!
Anyways, the last weekend was super relaxing, as I mentioned. A. and I were going around the city, enjoying the late summer and visited some of the numerous street- and block-parties here in Hamburg. 
On Sunday we went out of the city down the Elbe to Wedel. We were walking through the fields and meadows and along the dikes. We were stopping at a small cafe for a rest and walked back among the herds of sheep.
It was just a relaxing weekend and I woke up this morning even before the alarm rang. Now I just quickly wrote here, will work on my thesis and then at some point work on the pictures, put the into the post and publish it.
At some point I will pack some few things and go to the city to catch my ride to Aachen. I have to go home, since I have to empty my flat in Bad Honnef and get my few things from there. Then I will come back here on Wednesday evening with my parents who will be visiting for the weekend.

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