Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Total Makeover!

As you can see I performed a total makeover on the blog. Somehow I got tired of the blue design and the header and so on. Now it is fresher and feels more personal, since I have a picture of myself in the header. For that picture I had a small photo shoot here in our flat.

Also I integrated our wall-tattoo of the Hamburg skyline into the picture. The title is still the same as before, why should I change it. However there is actually two parts in the blog name. Of course, there is on the one side still The Wrong Way Home, but if you look carefully you will see that under the word Home it goes on with in Hamburg.

I thought that I should not change the blog title, but since I am right now living in Hamburg and A. and I decided to stay here for a while my post will not only be about traveling (The Wrong Way Home), but also about my life in this city (Home in Hamburg).

I really like the new design of the blog, I hope you too. Comments are of course appreciated!

Anyways, today we sold our old washing machine and still got quite a good price for it, especially since it is broken. In an hour we will go to look at a sofa. We really want to exchange ours and hope to find a good one and maybe get a good price for it too!


1 comment:

  1. I love the new style! You´re right, it´s really fresh and clean. And I like the header with your pic.
    I´ve been thinking how should I adapt mine to Korea, but I´m still thinking about it.
