It has been a very long time since I posted and a lot happened during that time. I wasn't really in the mood to write and had also quite many things that were occupying me. However, different than A., who decided not to continue her blog anymore, I will try to write again more often! Now I somehow got the spirit back (I hope) and also found some time to sit down to write.
After my last post I had my last lecture and my last presentation in my student career - that's at least what it looks like at the moment. Soon I will start writing my diploma thesis, but later more about that. After the lecture and the presentation I quickly went to the flat, had a snack, strapped on my backpack and made my way down to the train station. I went to Cologne and from there to Hamburg.
The time in Hamburg was really nice. A. and I were spending the time together in our new home and we were just enjoying to be together again. It had been quite some time since we had seen each other and so it was nice just to enjoy each others company and not really doing anything.
I stayed in Hamburg until Wednesday, which was really nice. In the morning, while A. was working, I studied for my upcoming exams and when A. came home we went to the Alster or went shopping; in the evenings I was cooking for both of us. When I'm writing my thesis, I know that I will be spending most of the time in Hamburg and then we will finally have our life together; we have been waiting for it long enough!
Anyways, the rest of the week I spent learning and preparing for my exams. I had two exams on Friday; one in the morning and the more difficult one in the afternoon. Both exams went fine, although I didn't had enough time in the second exams. However, I wrote something for every task and am quite sure, that I passed them both. The same evening one of my colleagues had her birthday and had invited us to barbecue in her backyard. Although it was a bit cold it was nice to be with the people and to start the weekend with a nice piece of grilled meat.
The weekend I took off. I wanted to relax a bit and didn't want to think of uni. So I slept long, had lazy breakfasts both mornings. On Saturday I was just chilling at home, was reading a bit and had some "me-time", which was needed somehow. On Sunday I went hiking for five hours. I walked from here where I'm living to the Oelberg, the highest hill in the surrounding mountains. Since I was walking quite many detours I estimate, that I walked something like 20-25km that day; my feet were ruined in the evening, but it was nice!
On Monday the uni work started again. I don't have any exams until next Monday, but I had something to do. My last exam is on the 6th of June, on the 10th of June A. and I will go to Prague - Christmas present of my parents. I had made myself quite some stress about my thesis earlier this month, but had then decided to postpone it and start thinking about it this week. My goal was to have a thesis topic before going to Prague.
What can I say?! I made it! I found my thesis topic on the first day I really put my head into it, wrote a short proposal and went to one of the supervisors on the second day and went on working on it for the next two days. I still dont have my supervisor, since he really wants to have a proper thesis proposal before he finally accepts me, but as of right now it looks quite promising.
I am happy, I found my thesis topic and am interested in it. Even if the supervisor wouldn't accept me and my thesis, I could easily go to another lecturer and propose it. I have my topic and I think it is quite feasible for a thesis.
Now I just came back from outside. I took the afternoon off, since it is a bank holiday today. I went up the street and to the Farm close by. On one of the meadows I sat down and took my shirt of to get some tan. I had taken my book with me, but didn't read in it. I was just sitting there, enjoying the sun and the warm breeze and was listening to the sound of the crickets and bees in the air. It was just wonderful!
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