Like last Tuesday and like most Thursdays I was off today! This meant, that I slept long and didn't put an alarm. I am still recovering from my slight cold and feel how much I need the sleep! I then had lazy breakfast and was not really doing anything until 12 o'clock.
I then dressed and went to the shops. I needed some food again and also it was just such nice weather that I anyways had to go out for a walk; so why not combining these two things with each other! When I looked at all my shoes I decided to wear my old summer shoes; they are so comfortable and light, just perfect for a walk and also a sign, that temperatures are getting higher!
My beloved shoes! |
Anyways, I went to the shops and bought all kinds of stuff; bread, jam, loads of vitamins and fruits to kill the cold and finally a toaster. ALDI had them as a special offer since yesterday and due to the fact that we don't have one in the flat I decided to buy one. For the last two weeks I had been roasting my toast in the frying pan, which is simply a pain in the a** and totally inconvenient!
The afternoon I spent reading for the university, doing some homework and writing my internship report. I got quite far already for the short time I spent. I will work tomorrow after university again on it and then the whole Thursday; then it should be finished. In the worst case I still have Friday morning and a bit of the afternoon to finish it; should work!
After working for university for just two hours I quickly changed and left to the soccer field. Although we have been playing yesterday we met up today again to have a match; it's simply so much fun. I mean, I suck big time in football, but we play just for fun; and fun I have! I really missed that, but I can tell, that I haven't been playing for about 1 1/2 years.
Now I just had a shower and will relax again. The funny thing was, that I wrote four sentences here in the post and then had something for my report in my head, so I quickly wrote it down. Who knows, maybe I will be writing tonight still on it!
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