Today the new week started with sleeping long and lazy breakfast! I am working the late shift this week and so I have to be at work at 14.30. It actually is my last week in the job and I am looking forward to ending it soon. I will have then still two weeks until my uni starts again. I will use this time to finally write my internship report, to show A. the area around Aachen a bit and I will go to make a flea market to sell some stuff. All these things I had planned for the time before uni starts again, but didn't do them yet, due to my job! 
A. and I just came back from a nice morning walk. It's gray and cold outside, but at least it is not raining or snowing (like last night). A. will go to Hamburg on Wednesday to visit a potential workplace. It seems like they actually wanna hire her, but she is not sure about it yet. So we will see what the future will bring!
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