I am shortly home, just to eat something and grab my stuff to head to the airport! I am flying still to Stockholm tonight and will work there in our office tomorrow and Monday and Tuesday! I have all my stuff packed and after some time I actually use my backpack again!
Today was the day, when T. came back from her holiday in Mexico. We were doing some catching-up and sat long in the conference room with the new team member L. to talk through stuff, but also for T. to get to know L. It was somehow a really nice and relaxed day. We were chatting a lot, she was telling us about her trip and was making us jealous.
In between I went to the Opera and picked-up some tickets. Somebody from Stockholm has a group coming and they needed the tickets, but for some reason they could not pick them up themselves. So I went to the Opera and on the way back passed by the hotel to leave them there. It was a bit complicated and I ended up going twice to the hotel. It's now too complicated to explain why, I dont have enough time to explain it. Anyways, so after work I had to go to the hotel again and then rush home.
Now I am here, had something to eat, wrote this blog post, will publish it and the pack the rest of my stuff and make my way down to the train station! So looking forward to the next 6 days!
Have fun!