Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today it was a slow day at work, I was basically just waiting for suppliers to send confirmations and for something to happen. Of course, I had all the time work and something to do, but it was not at all as busy as yesterday, when it was better and more fun to work!

Anyways, it didn't matter, the time went by somehow and after work I took the free IKEA-bus to one of the IKEAs close by. There are two here in Oslo and I dont actually know to which one I went in the end (which somehow reminded me of Finland). I went there, since I needed linen and some other stuff. I used all the time since I moved in the linen, I borrowed from T, my flat mate!When I came to IKEA after a quick bus ride, I ran into the shop, since I knew I had only one hour until the bus would go back to Oslo center. I also knew, that IKEAs are normally pretty crowded and you take normally at least half an hour at the cashier. Especially after the office hours, when everybody, "just quickly" goes to buy 200.000 tonnes of new furniture!So I went to the second info-desk I saw - I went to the second, because the first had a huge line-up, as I expected it - and asked, where I would find all the stuff that I had written down from the website. The guy was very helpful and told me basically the exact position of each item. When I came downstairs I found everything pretty quick and went basically straight through the shop, just stopping to put the items into my bag, to the cashier.

I saw the line-ups and was scared I would miss the bus. All the people had each one or two, sometimes even three shopping carts full of stuff and the lines were not moving at all. Suddenly I saw at the end of the line of cashiers the self-cashier terminals. You scan your own stuff and pay it by card. There is just one employee per four terminals standing to check that nobody steals things.When I had everything scanned, paid and packed I realized that I spent barely 20 minutes in the IKEA, which I never managed to do before! Normally I spent at least 45 minutes, even if I just bought a towel or a cutlery basket. I was so amazed by myself, that I needed some air. So I went outside and was happy, that it stopped raining. I was standing a couple of minutes outside the bus, just getting some fresh air, but got in, when more and more people came.Then, when I got back to Oslo center I walked home with all my stuff and was happy to be finally back in the flat. I cooked some dinner and was talking to A. I made my bed with the new linen and will now watch a movie, go to shower and then to sleep; I am deadly tired!



  1. Moritz: Hey, Marc, where are you?
    Marc: Hey, I´m in Ikea, where are you?
    Moritz: Yeah, me too, exactly where?
    Marc: At the kitchen department
    Moritz: Me too, but I don´t see you...

    I will always remeber this :D
