Yesterday in the late afternoon, after A. had a nap, we decided to finally play Afrikan Tähti. We've been planning this for so long already. I've been asking over and over again, but we somehow never found the time.The game is a very traditional Finnish board game, so to say a cult-game, and I got to know it over the TV-series Madventures. When the guys of the show were traveling through Africa they all the time were talking about horseshoes and gem stones and were showing a weird map of Africa. Then one day, when I was working in the German School in Helsinki I saw exactly this weird map and was then doing some "research".
Ms LivingstoneSo, we were playing then several rounds, but soon it got boring and we decided to change it into a drinking game. We made up rules and had a lot of fun.
Since it sometimes takes a long time until the Afrikan Tähti is found (see description on Wikipedia), the first round of the drinking game took some time and we were already tipsy.
Me drinking the Elephant glassThen we suddenly were hungry and decided to grill.However, we also agreed to play another round of the drinking-version of the game again after eating. That time again was a very long round and it took us very long to find the Afrikan Tähti.
great fun!!