I am done with this period! I wrote today my last exam and now I am off until Monday the week after. It is weird, normally I have this relieved feeling, but not this time. I don't know what it is, but I guess it's because I don't know where I am going after my year abroad, yet, and the time is running out!
Anyways, today I will still enjoy my life, I will go to the cinema tonight to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I am so looking forward to this, I have never seen in movie in 3D yet... excited!
I was stumbling through the web today and came across an article, I've been reading before. This article is from the travel section of the London Telegraph. It is about a man from Japan who has traveled since 2001 from Japan, through whole Asia and then to Europe. The amazing thing about this story is, that he did all this (except of the passage from Japan to Korea) by bike and a rowing boat. During this time until now he covered 38 countries and is currently in Italy.
The guy, Keiichi Iwasaki, writes about his adventures and his life on the road in his blog. During his trip, which he started with 160¥ (about 1.30€), he performs magic tricks on the street to earn money. The article of the Telegraph also states that he was the first Japanese person to climb the Mount Everest from sea level without any transportation.
I think that a story like this is so inspiring. A person just realizes suddenly that he has to change his life, leaves home with nothing and is just going wherever life takes him. I envy Keiichi a little bit for this freedom in his life. He says, that he loves this way of traveling, "because [he] want(s) to see and feel everything with [his] own skin, [...] the air and atmosphere of the place." He also is the perfect example that traveling is not about getting somewhere, but about the way you go there. It's not the speed that is important, but the experience you gain from your trip. He is, after his own words, "traveling far, little by little".
Anyways, today I will still enjoy my life, I will go to the cinema tonight to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I am so looking forward to this, I have never seen in movie in 3D yet... excited!
I was stumbling through the web today and came across an article, I've been reading before. This article is from the travel section of the London Telegraph. It is about a man from Japan who has traveled since 2001 from Japan, through whole Asia and then to Europe. The amazing thing about this story is, that he did all this (except of the passage from Japan to Korea) by bike and a rowing boat. During this time until now he covered 38 countries and is currently in Italy.
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