At the moment I am making pumpkin soup. The soup is cooking right now so I have some time to post here. To make the soup I already bought some days ago a lot of vegetables at the vegetable shop at the corner.
I really like this shop and think it's so nice. It is slightly more expensive, I admit, but the quality and the personal service you get is so much better. Due to the recent reports about resistant germs and bacteria in meat and chicken A. and I decided to change our diet a bit.
In the future - and we already started with it - we will eat less, but higher quality meat and more vegetarian dishes. Since Bio-meat is more expensive there is no way around the "less meat"-part. Until now I did not miss the meat or chicken in the food and I am amazed how many nice things you can make without it.
Despite the fact that I never really cared about animal rights and still wont take any further action to change the way meat is produced, I think that this change in eating-habits can make a difference - if more people are doing it.
Anyways, the soup is nearly cooked. Now I have to mash and blend the soup, so it gets nice and creamy!