Monday, July 27, 2009


Two news: I bought a new backpack and, even if nobody really realizes, I changed the name of the blog. As you can see it is now "the wrong way home". This is also the title of the book I am reading right now. It was so inspiring that I found this name would be more matching.

The new backpack is a Deuter Quantum 55+10, which is sufficient for my needs, I think. I was really lucky, because the vendor gave me 20% off, even tho it was just announced for hiking packs and not for trekking packs. Good karma, i would say!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Being active, feeling good.

The last couple of days were really good. I went home to Aachen on Friday, went to the city to buy some things and just be there again. I bought some thing to eat and was sitting on a central place in the city and snacked it. It must have looked sooo relaxed. A. came on Sunday and we had awesome active 6 days. I really feel how good it is to spend time with her and how much I missed being active and doing stuff.

I picked her up from the airport and we went to Bad Honnef. When arrived I realized that I left my Notebook in Aachen and as I needed it for couple of things we went for a surprise visit to my parents.

On Monday we slept long and then went to Cologne to go to the Cat Empire Concert. Before that we wanted to meet up with Carolin, a mutual friend, from our internships on Tenerife, but she couldn't make it. So we went to the "früh-Haus" instead. We had couple of beers and "Halven Hahn", a local specialty. Then we went to the concert and had a really good time. We were standing in the 2nd and 3rd row directly in the middle of the stage. Perfect! It was an awesome concert, with good atmosphere and great songs to dance to.On Tuesday we slept long, had a nice breakfast with waffles and then went to Aachen to my parents place. In the evening we went to a club called B9 where there is a free-beer-party every Tuesday. There we met some of my friends from school and were dacing all night.The hangover on Wednesday didn't prevented us from going to the worlds’ largest indoor winter sports resort in Landgraaf, which is just 15 minutes from Aachen. It was really fun to try to snowboard and I definitely know that this was not the last time for me to stand on a board. Even if we were totally done we went to the Guinness-Haus in the evening to spend some quality time with my brother.Thursday and Friday we just went from Aachen back to Bad Honnef, were cooking and had a good time. When A. left I was a little bit sad, but I know that we are going to see each other in 12 days again, when I am moving to Finland.

Now I just started to pack my things. I am leaving Bad Honnef presumably tomorrow with all my stuff. It's a weird feeling to leave for 1 1/2 years, but I know, that I will enjoy my time somewhere else. It's always hard to leave, but you should go for it, because everywhere anything is waiting to be experienced by you!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


In the last post I was talking about my "life framing". Just to explain: Normally people tend to talk about their plans for life. I don't! I am too spontaneous and unsteady to really plan ahead. And also I don't like to plan ahead. I rather see what life brings and cope with it... or normally enjoy it. So I don't have a plan for my life, because a plan is fixed. I have a frame for my life. A certain direction with no fixed paths, no fixed schedule and especially no fixed destination. Everything can happen and you should make the best out of it... So, don't plan, "frame" your life!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Carefree living

Since last Wednesday I am done with Uni for this semester. I wrote my three exams on the first three days of this exam period. They went well and now I am looking forward to my year abroad.

The next day was a very sad, heartbreaking day for me. I sold my beloved motorcycle. It was the best thing to do. Because of my studies, internships and whole life "framing", I wont be more than half a year in Germany for the next three years. Now I have the money, which I will save for my travels. As mentioned it was hard for me, because this motorcycle was the first really expensive thing I bought some three years ago from my own savings.

On Friday there was a party I wanted to go to, but somehow I never made it there... god only knows why I couldn't make it ;-)

Now I am off uni, but still have busy days. I will use the free time to earn some money. I am currently working in the Hilton in Bonn. Even though it's just four more days I will get the money for my holidays with A. in Croatia (and all the things I wanted to buy before I go to Helsinki).

On Friday I will go home to Aachen. My mum is coming back from "holidays". She went as chef with a youth group to Denmark. Reckon its not very relaxing, though. She has done it now for a couple of years and really likes it. I will be in Aachen until Sunday, the great day....

On Sunday I will pick up A. from the Airport in DUS. Finally we see each other again after almost 4 weeks. Cant wait and so looking forward to it...


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This is it!

Hey guys and readers,

This is my first Blog entry. Please bear with me for spelling, grammar and other mistakes. I am writing in English, which is not my mother tongue, to make it international.

This blog should be about my passion, traveling. Until now I am not that experienced, but I realized that I want to see the world. Not as a tourist, but as a traveler. This may sound weird and a little bit naive, as we all are tourist in some way. But I think its a difference, if you fly 10.000 miles to be in an all-inclusive hotel, which you are just leaving for guided tourist tours and to visit all over crowded religious sites, which totally lost their former purpose or if you go to the countries of the world to live with the people and learn about their cultures.

I am influenced by the TV Show Madventures from Finland, which shows that the world holds more than tourist centers in Thailand, the Ballermann in Mallorca or Cancun in Mexico. Right now I am still in Germany, where I was born, but which is, and I realized this more and more during the last two years, is not really my country. I am more and more annoyed about the way people act and react and also I think nobody really understands me here, my humor and my way of thinking. As I didn't see so much of the world yet, until now I did not leave Europe, I can not say where I'm going to end up.

Next stop will be Finland. As part of my studies I am going to spend the next year in the capital, Helsinki. From there I already planned an ultra-short travel to Croatia.

This blog, as mentioned will be about traveling, but also about my life. Especially when I am away I want to report about what I am doing. I hope at least some people will read this ... otherwise it will be a good diary, which is held to the public!

So far....